Can i download phantom liberty after i modded the game

Can I Download Phantom Liberty After Modding Cyberpunk 2077?

For Cyberpunk 2077 players who have modded their game, the upcoming Phantom Liberty expansion poses an interesting question – can you download and play the new content if you’ve already made changes to the base game?

From here you can install the full mode setup

The short answer is yes, you should be able to download and play Phantom Liberty even if you have an existing modded version of Cyberpunk 2077. However, there are a few important caveats to consider.

Mod Compatibility with Phantom Liberty
One of the key factors is whether the mods you’ve installed are compatible with the Phantom Liberty expansion. The new content will likely require updates to the game’s core files, which could potentially break existing mods that rely on those files.

Mod authors will need to update their creations to ensure they work properly with Phantom Liberty. So if you want to continue using particular mods, you’ll need to check if they’ve been updated or if compatible versions are available.

Alternatively, you may need to temporarily disable or uninstall certain mods before downloading the expansion, then reinstall them afterward once the mod authors have had a chance to update their creations.

Saving Your Progress
Another important consideration is how Phantom Liberty will impact your existing save files. In general, you should be able to continue your current playthrough after installing the expansion. However, it’s always a good idea to back up your save data beforehand, just in case.

Some players may choose to start a brand new game for their Phantom Liberty playthrough, especially if they’ve made significant progress and don’t want to risk any compatibility issues. This is ultimately a personal preference, but having a backup save is never a bad idea.

Modding After Phantom Liberty
Once you’ve downloaded and played through the Phantom Liberty expansion, you’ll likely want to start modding the game again. The good news is that you should be able to do so, but you may need to wait for mod authors to update their creations to work with the new content.

It’s worth keeping an eye on mod communities and forums to see when popular mods start getting Phantom Liberty-compatible versions. And as always, be cautious when installing mods, as they can potentially introduce bugs or compatibility issues.

Overall, Cyberpunk 2077 players with modded versions of the game should be able to enjoy the Phantom Liberty expansion, but they’ll need to carefully manage their mods and save data to ensure a smooth experience. With a little preparation and patience, you can continue your modded Cyberpunk journey even after the new content arrives.

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